Wind edge and sky

Green Bonds Global

Green bonds are normal bonds that finance sustainable projects. Thus, they belong to the category of impact investing: The goal is to promote the transition to a climate-neutral economy and society and at the same time generate attractive return with systematic investments. 

Find out how our product measurably reduces CO.

million Swiss francs
assets under management
* as of 31.12.2023
tonnes of CO2 per million invested
reduction of greenhouse gas emissions
kilowatts per million invested
added renewable energies

The target portfolio in a nutshell

  • Main focus on global green bonds in the field of investment grade
  • Admixture of up to 20 percent of other sustainable bonds is possible, e.g., of social bonds, sustainability bonds or green issuers
  • Broadly diversified across various countries and industries
  • Mix of treasuries, supranationals, agencies and corporates 
  • Professional green bond analysis makes sure that the bonds effectively live up to required sustainability criteria
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Ensure sustainability

  • The asset managers pursue a dedicated green bond analysis and engagement process
  • Active management: The sustainability of the bonds is checked, not only at the time of investment, but also during the term.  
  • Meanwhile, about 80 percent of the issuers are seeking a second opinion. 
  • Zurich Invest also monitors the sustainability by means of internal checks

Active management

  • Fixed income is a market with proven alpha potential
  • Benchmarks facilitate a basic check, but cannot reliably prevent greenwashing. 
  • The active dialog between the managers and the issuers enables deeper insight, reduces the risks and results in a greener portfolio
  • An in-depth credit analysis enables the utilization of alpha sources and reduces default risks
  • An active portfolio design prevents overpayment for bonds.

Best-in-class approach

  • The managers were only selected and commissioned following an extensive check of their fixed income and sustainability skills
  • Zurich Invest continuously monitors both the managers and the portfolios with regard to their sustainability aspects. 
  • Should it become necessary to change a manager, our customers can of course remain invested in the products. 

Institutional approach and service

  • The investment guidelines are tailored to institutional Swiss investors and take OPO2 into consideration. 
  • The fund is governed by Swiss law: Swiss investors do not need to pay any stamp duty
  • Reports are regularly prepared, e.g. concerning carbon savings.

What is so special about our manager?

  • Asset manager with long-standing expertise with dedicated green bond portfolios
  • Experienced investment team with 100 percent specialisation in Green, Social and Impact Bonds
  • Broadly based credit research on site in Europe, in the USA and in Asia to ensure global coverage 
  • Structured, tried-and-tested investment process on the basis of a green bond analysis
  • Strong integration of ESG criteria in the investment process with an additional exclusion list
  • Successful green bond track record since February 2016

Introduce sustainability to your portfolio

Green bonds are normal bonds of normal issuers. However, what is special about them is that they only finance sustainable projects and thus belong to the category of impact investing. Green bonds deliver measurable carbon reduction to their investors. 

Distinguished expert partner

In our collaboration with Goldman Sachs Asset Management, we benefit from the long-standing experience of an asset manager with a dedicated team for green, social and impact bonds. Goldman Sachs Asset Management is our preferred partner for the implementation of a professionally managed, sustainable bond portfolio.

Custom-tailored product

With green bonds, we can offer you a broadly diversified, professionally managed global portfolio. Both the vehicle and the investment guidelines are custom-tailored to Swiss institutional investors: No stamp duty is incurred in the Swiss fund, and OPO2 has been taken into consideration. 

Key facts

Name ZIF Green Bonds Global
ISIN/security number ZIF D1 (for institutional investors): CH1130675452 / 113067545
Zurich investment foundation: CH1148731479 / 114873147
Fund Administrator UBS Fund Management (Switzerland) AG
Depositary State Street Bank International GmbH, Munich, Zurich branch
Auditor PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC)
Currency CHF (hedged)
Benchmark Bloomberg Barclays MSCI Global Green Bond Index
Investment Approach Active, fundamentally bottom-up, combined with greenness analysis
Geographical alignment Global
Management fee 0.30%

Landscape with green trees from above

Sustainability in figures

Zurich Invest Ltd supports successful investments that have a positive impact on the environment and society at the same time. Find out what we have achieved so far.

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  • Zurich Invest Ltd
    P.O. Box
    8085 Zurich