Name | Zurich Investment Foundation Private Equity Co-Investments I |
Legal structure | Investment foundation under Swiss law |
Investor group | Pension funds domiciled in Switzerland |
Currency | US dollar (unhedged) |
Auditor | PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) |
Seed capital | USD 245 million |
First close | 29.11.2021 |
Final close | 23.05.2023 |
Investment periode | 3 years (with option to extend by 2 x 1 year) |
Term | 12 years (with option to extend by 3 x 1 year) |
Management fee | 1.1% (on the net asset value) |
Performance fee | 10.0% (at a hurdle rate of 8.0%) |
Expected TER | Approx. 1.25–2.50% (depending on the performance fee) |